Before going any further, I must make a disclaimer. “I am not a medical professional nor am I providing/prescribing medical advice. This is just my read based on the credible research available.”
Alright, so some of you’ll know an Instagram vegan Influencer by the name of “Earthling Ed” in a conventional eschatological tone announced that “The new coronavirus pandemic would not have started if we didn't farm and eat animals,” and then came the “Cowspiracy” bandwagon and created a Domino effect. But USA Today was prompt and precise must blow the whistle and argue that it is too narrow to predict how many zoonotic diseases may emerge if humans did not eat mean. Furthermore, even with preventative methods in the Standard American Diet, like antibiotic-fed livestock and pathogen-reducing treatments such as chlorine washing of meat, the proximity to animals allows for the possibility of disease transmission through direct human-animal contact.
So, then we could logically come to the conclusion that it is not necessarily the meat that is the primal CAUSE behind it, but its management methods.
Before I get into the reasons, let me clear the air. Viruses are more intelligent than you! They are basically dependent on a host to live and thrive. What makes the coronavirus so lethal is that, unlike the common cold, it can penetrate the alveoli of our lungs. If it enters your lungs, it starts to multiply.
Your body’s immune system bursts into overdrive and releases little protein structures known as cytokines, just like a security system blasting the horn to attack and defend vs an incoming attacker. As a result, the death rate primarily represents the virus’s casualties, who die as a result of the immune response running berserk, leading to something even worse. The research indicates that poor metabolic health, along with chronic inflammation in the lungs and other organs, plays a substantial role. Therefore, to make it more clear, I’ll commence with Reason #1, which is backed by credible research of clinical trials on why eating a Meat-based Diet will significantly contribute. your metabolic health to complement your vaccine dose.
#1 Obesity: Betrothed to the Pandemic; Destroyer of Immunity.
According to this research paper by Thomas. R. Wood and a study in Shenzen Hospital found that obesity increased the risk of a severe case by 3.5x. We ought to be cognizant that our immune system is made up of 2 distinct arms — innate and adaptive immunity systems. Innate immune systems are incapable of remembering the disease while the adaptive immune system has cells that are capable of remembering diseases. according to the research paper above, the adaptive immune system has 2 types of responses. (TH1-frontline helper cells and Th2 guarded behind a barricade), According to the research, obesity and poor metabolic health downregulate TH1 (the frontline army fighting the virus), which may result in the virus’s initial response being inactive. But why meat, you may ask? Here we go!
Including a Carnivorous Lifestyle in your diet involves filling your plate with animal goodness. — Diet that is High Fat, High Protein, High in vitamins and minerals, and extremely low in carbohydrates. (There will be no vegetables for you bro!) So, logically, the best way to interpret is that it is a way of eating where you eliminate foods that significantly spike your insulin levels (which are carbs of all forms, including milk, unfortunately)
Don’t get me wrong, the insulin hormone is necessary for survival, but having it skyrocket continuously is a formula for chronic obesity. the reason here is that Insulin shuts off fat burning in your body (lipolysis) Therefore, every time you pump those carbs (especially high glycemic), you end up with deposits of energy stores which were excessive to our body in the form of fat. (Just like how you store excessive cash which does not fit into your wallet in the bank)
A well-structured carnivore diet is the least insulinogenic and nutrient-dense diet on the planet. Protein and fat do raise insulin levels. Nevertheless, the response is minimal compared and contrasted to the response to carbs. Click this link to experience my weight loss journey in losing 40kg with the Carnivore Diet.
Conclusion: Carnivore Diet is your ally against Obesity.
#2 Low Cholesterol impairs Immunity
Cholesterol, together with gluten and UFOs is one of the most delusionally feared elements in the world today. It is the premise for the “diet-heart hypothesis” and the majority of dietary guidelines today. Nevertheless, cholesterol is one of the most important compounds: it is essential for the synthesis of vitamin D, sex hormones, brain synapses, and all cell membranes, etc.
This report found low serum cholesterol among patients with COVID-19 in China. Now, this may be because LDL levels fell during infection, not that they were low before the infection. But in a meta-analysis by BMJ showed that “19 cohort studies including almost 70,000 deaths, Jacob et al. found an inverse association between serum cholesterol and mortality from respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases, most of which are of gastrointestinal origin”.
As a supplementary Reading; Use these links to purchase the following books debunking Medical Myths and misinformation.
1. Dr. Jonny Bowden’s book: The Great Cholesterol Myth
2. Dr. Ken D Berry’s book: Lies my Doctor Told Me
Conclusion: Carnivore Diet is your ally in boosting quality cholesterol to fight against the coronavirus.
#3 Protein and micronutrient deficiencies wreak havoc on our body’s immune system.
One COVID-19 consequence includes cytokine storm, a hyper-inflammatory response produced by the over-release of cytokines that frequently results in multi-organ failure and death. Apart from anti-inflammatory and antiviral medications, amino acids can help to reduce cytokine release and thus overall mortality.
Protein deprivation has been shown to disrupt immune downregulating viable immunoglobulins and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (Fernández-Quintela et al., 2020). Moreover, studies demonstrate that protein deficiency increases susceptibility to viral infections such as Zika and influenza, in part through lowering antibody response (Iddir et al. 2020).
Vitamins A, D, E, K, heme-iron, selenium, and zinc are all important for the immune system, or immunocompetence, and are mostly present in animal products. People’s immune systems have huge holes as a result of the inane advice to shun red meat. Again, I’m not arguing this is totally to blame, but it is another aspect under your control.
Convenient right? not yet. you still may get opposition by the Vegan/Vegetarian Woketopia who complain, as Carnivore Aurelius tweeted.
CLAIM: “Plant protein is just as effective as animal protein!”
TRUTH: Some vegetables have as many total grams of protein. But they have much lower protein quality. Plant foods have less of almost every amino acid. You need MUCH more calories to gain muscle with plants.
We can confidently interpret through this information above that a meat-based diet is the Holy Grail of Nutrition during these troubled, dystopic, ill times! Ignore what the corporate media and politicized medical institutions may infer for ulterior motives. Do the research and gather the evidence just like how most of us did in the Carnivore WOE.
I shall include a booklist for your extra perusal at the bottom with the link to order them at a special rate.